Course: SAT Reading and Writing

At RPaul Academy we focus reading habit in children, by making them masters of evidence-based reading and writing. Along with this, we focus on the figurative language and poetic devices the writers use in their works.

We understand that when it comes to SAT exam, no one would like to take a chance; maybe that's why students, since the beginning of their preparation period, join us, and by the end, they can see the difference. We impart everything here; information, in-depth knowledge, and, most importantly, confidence. 

SAT Reading and Writing Test Preparation

The practice is the key to success, and we strongly believe in this saying. This is why we focus on solving more and more practice papers in our entire course. 

Our initial endeavour is the diagnostic test, which gives our tutors a bit of information about the student's level of understanding in that subject. Hence, teachers detect the students’ weak and strong areas and start working on turning the vulnerable area into a stronger one. 

During the course, students are given challenging passages to deepen their active reading skills. We make them give correct answers using various activities like elimination and other strategies. 

Our tutors thoroughly review every reading session. They have a detailed discussion on the passage after the reading. Through this discussion and reviewing of the session, students analyse their own errors and we give suggestions on how they can eliminate it to make their score better. 

From such activities and reviewed discussions, students develop their skills at critical reading and learn to identify the correct answers from equally plausible options.

Our proven strategies and drills prepare students for unknown words and phrases that they may encounter in their real test.  

Once the child gets well versed with all the techniques and how to attempt the tests, we enhance the level and number of papers one has to solve. We give students to solve a full-length (more than 5) supervised practice tests to increase the level of their practice, and then we move to more complicated, independent, full-length practice papers (more than 5), which are given as a home assignment. 

A proper scorecard is maintained of every student through which we check the progress of the student. Even minor thing in the practice that needs to be improved will get acknowledged and the detailed feedback on every test help the students to know where they have improved and where they need to put in some extra efforts. 

These tests and regular practices give a sense of competition to the students and prepare them for the pressure they might experience. 

SAT Reading and Writing Course offers

  • Diagnostic Test Review
  • Concepts and Approaches in both evidence-based reading and writing
  • Review of more than two full-length supervised practice tests
  • More than five practice tests are given as home assignments and are reviewed. 

What the Reading Test Passages Are Like 

The five passages on the Reading Test include four standalone passages and one pair of passages that you read together. The standalone passages and the paired set are each 500–750 words. The passages are drawn from the following types of documents: 

  • 1 literary passage from a work of fiction. 

  • 1 or 2 passages from a U.S. founding document or a text in the Great Global Conversation they inspired. An example of a founding document would be the U.S. Constitution. The Great Global Conversation refers to works from around the world that focus on topics such as freedom, justice, or human dignity. A speech by Nelson Mandela would be an example.  

  • 1 passage from a work of economics, psychology, sociology, or some other social science. 

  • 2 passages from scientific works that examine foundational concepts and developments in Earth science, biology, chemistry, or physics. 

What the Reading Test Questions Are Like 

The questions on the reading test fall into three broad categories: 

How the Author Uses Evidence 

Some questions ask you to show that you understand how an author is using evidence to support a claim. Questions like this might ask you to: 

  • Identify the part of a passage that supports a point the author is making. 

  • Find evidence in a passage that best supports the answer to a previous question. 

  • Find a relationship between an informational graphic and the passage it’s paired with. 

Understanding Words in Context 

Many of the questions on the Reading Test ask you to identify the meaning of a word in context. The “in context” part is important: the questions ask you to use context clues in a passage to figure out which meaning of a word or phrase is being used. Other questions will ask you to decide how an author’s choice of words shapes meaning, style, and tone. 

Analysis in History/Social Studies and in Science 

The Reading Test includes passages in the fields of history, social studies, and science. You’ll be asked questions that require you to draw on the reading skills needed most to succeed in those subjects. For instance, you might read about an experiment and then see questions that ask you to: 

  • Examine hypotheses. 

  • Interpret data. 

  • Consider implications. 

The Writing and Language test is a multiple-choice test in which you read passages and find and fix mistakes and weaknesses. 

This part of the SAT is 35 minutes long, includes 4 passages, and contains 44 multiple-choice questions.  

What the Writing and Language Test Passages Are Like

The 4 passages on the test are each 400–450 words. The complexity of the passages varies: some are more challenging and others more straightforward.

The passages are about a variety of topics, including careers, science, the humanities, and history and social studies.

The purpose and format of each passage varies:

  • At least 1 is a narrative, meaning it describes events in a storylike way. This passage is not a work of fiction, but it could be a nonfiction account of an historical event, or it might describe the sequence of events in a scientific experiment.
  • The other passages are either argumentative, meaning they try to convince or persuade the reader of something, or else informative and explanatory.

Some of the passages contain charts, graphs, or infographics that you interpret together with the written part of the passage.

What the Writing and Language Test Questions Are Like

Each passage has 11 multiple-choice questions.

The questions fall into two main types: those where you improve the expression of ideas, and those where you have to recognize and correct errors in sentence structure, grammar, usage, and punctuation.

Expression of Ideas

These questions ask you to improve the substance and quality of the writer’s message. They can be divided into three kinds:

  • Development questions are about main ideas (topic sentences and thesis statements), supporting details, focus, and quantitative information in tables, graphs, and charts.
  • Organization questions focus on logical sequence and placement of information and ideas as well as effective introductions, conclusions, and transitions.
  • Effective Language Use questions ask you to improve precision and eliminate wordiness, consider style and tone, and combine sentences to improve flow and to achieve particular rhetorical effects (such as emphasizing one point over another).

Standard English Conventions

These questions focus on recognizing and correcting grammar, usage, and mechanics problems in passages. These questions ask you to recognize and correct errors in sentence structure (like run-on or incomplete sentences), usage (like lack of subject-verb or pronoun-antecedent agreement), and punctuation (like missing or unnecessary commas).

Want to Enroll to Long-term Course?

Our tutors provide one-to-one online coaching by creating a recurring classroom session, which helps students to understand the concepts very clearly. Tutors provide step-by-step solutions with extensive practice problems and test papers for each topic. We prep students for their school and exams, creating confidence to solve any complex problems easily.

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